15 Jan Murow Serves on Expert’s Panel
In April, Steve was selected by attorney’s representing the Coachella Valley Water District (Owner) and McGuire and Hester/Terracon Pipelines, JV (Pipeline Contractor) to serve alongside Joe Zicaro, PE (Concrete Pipe Expert) and John Barneich, PE (Geotechnical Engineering Expert). The Panel was tasked with reviewing, analyzing and opining on why five miles of 42″ and 33″ VCP sewer pipe installed at a 20′ depth had failed. Steve’s role included opining on the standard of care of the Contractor and the Inspector/Construction Manager. Steve’s opinion was based on reviewing thousands of documents including contractor’s daily reports, inspector’s daily reports, observation reports from the soils technician and pictures supplied by all parties. The Panel also attended a full day presentation provided by experts from both parties.
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